

Sunday, April 29, 2012

I'll pass on the eggnog, thanks though.

Winter is typically so dull for me.  Blankets of snow and the excitement of shopping for winter boots are, contrary to popular belief, NOT my form of fulfilment.  No, this Midwestern bohemian chooses not to indulge in the "joy" of snow sledding, "put another log on the fire" evenings and the oh so popular (for those who don't have the luxury of a garage) frozen door handles, but finds contentment in dreams of wind chimes, margarita's and sun blissed skin.  Now, with that being said, aside from these sun soaked fantasies, I will, on occasion, indulge in the Kumbaya Christmas carols and enjoy a nice cowl neck sweater, but for the most part......beam me up scotty. 
I understand, those of you out there might feel differently than me and frankly, might find offense in my negative Nancy "winter is the bane of my existence" belief.  If so, I apologize.  I would also like to note that to you, my winter lovers, I truly do hold you in the highest regard.  You embrace stinging wind and watery eyes, you laugh in the face of winter advisory warnings....."Ice storm?  Please, I've got four wheel drive and the patience to dig myself out of an igloo".  You buy wool sweaters, give leg warmers the style they deserve and pick only the finest of wrapping paper.  I truly admire your positive thinking and at times, amidst the twinkle of a winter night sky, wish I could share in your enthusiasm.  But alas, my heart lies in the romantic idea of balmy nights.
What brought on this rant you ask?  It couldn't possibly be the bottomless hole of February overtaking the afternoon sun could it?  Or surely it's not the ghostlike skin that seems to have taken over my body like the plague, forcing me to rouge every chance I get before being seen in public.  Or god forbid it's the planning a Saturday afternoon conversation "well, what should we do...I mean there really isn't much more than grocery shopping to prepare for a blizzard or....well, should we just have a drink?"  Now to relieve myself of this pierced lips syndrome, I have decided to take an adventure .  Where do you ask? I'm going to the North pole.....just kidding.  I have decided to embark on a journey to the Caribbean.  Yes, this is where my inner gypsy will go.  Oh winter look at me now!  I am heading south, running with open arms towards the equator.  I can picture it now.... in slow motion of course.....towards let's say..... a volcano?  I think that could conjure up enough heat to fulfill me for the time being. Oh wind chimes and upper lip sweat, I hear you calling my name.  "Laurrrrrraaaa, come, experience our splendor".  What a beautiful sound it is.  Palm tree leaves whistling in the wind and....wait, I hear it ever so faintly......"ma'am would you care for another margarita?".  "Why yes good sir" I would reply as I thank the pool boy for applying my sun screen. 
So winter, as you can see, I haven't let you beat me.  Although my skin is pale, my lips are cracked, my car doors are frozen and ice has limited my ability to wear a favorite pair of heels that I adore (leopard, i know, gorgeous), I have NOT lost my ability to dream of blue skies and coconuts.  Nor has it altered the use of my hands....... which were used to get on the Internet, book my flight, and jet my toosh out of this ice storm and in to a flip flop filled paradise.  Take that weatherman.  Au revoir!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

blank canvas

We have a gift.  It is truly the greatest gift of mankind.  We have the gift of creativity.  This is our saviour, our opportunity.  I was priveleged enough to visit our local museum of art the other day.  A fine Sunday, filled with artistic hues and the opportune moment to view the world from another persons eye.  How lucky we are, to have the ability to express ourselves and present to eager eyes, waiting to be inspired.  The exhibit best, not my cup of tea.  It didn't move me, nor did it really generate a fire inside my creative mind.  What did it do, you ask?  It reassured my belief that we all, we ALL, have this wonderful opportunity to present the world as we see it.  We have an undying human abilty to express ourselves to our core, with wild abandon, to run free, fires blazing from our passionate and eager bellies.  This my friends, to me, is the joy of artistic expression.